Monday, January 17, 2011

The Debs---Susan McBride

Being a Rosewood Bud, and a member of the Glass Slipper Club means everything to Ginger, Laura, Jo-Lynn, Trisha, and Camie, and when the time rolls around for the invatations to be sent out things get emotional and phyically currupt. The invitations  will culminate into this amazing ball where each debutante will feel and act as if they were princesses. Only ten girls will get their hand delivered invitations. All of the girls come from money some with family ties to the The Glass Slipper Club, some with behhind the scene connections, and others buy their way into the Glass Slipper Club. There are two groups of best friends battleing for there entry into the society. And when these girls gets ugly. Along with many social issues, a few of the girls are dealing with other issues including step-mother issues, boyfriend trouble, and even getting in trouble with the law. Not only are these annoying but also are effected these girls acceptance onto the committee. These girls have to get it together, because without their invitations there are no guarantees! 

The story is told in the alternating viewpoints between the four girls.   One being Laura who is a size fourteen and feels the pressure of her weight, but her size does not stop her from finding love.  Laura wants her invitation more than anything and anyone, and is determined to get what she wants. Mac is struggling with her mothers recent death and her fathers remarriage to a much younger and trashey Pagent Princess.  Mac just wants to be left alone, but it was her mothers dream before she dies to have Mac follow in her footsteps as a Rosewood Bud. And her step-mother is not making her choice any easier. Ginger is our tree-hugging, earthy, Deb who is always doing humanitarian work, but she falls hard for an older man, which leads to greater disaster and she winds up in locked in a cell. The fourth girl is the enemy Jo-Lynn. Her  goal in life is to  become a Deb but also she wants to make sure that Laura, who she calls  a “debu-tank” doesn’t receive an invitation.  With Jo-Lynn comes with her posse, Trisha and Camie, known as the "Bimbo Cartel". They together create a huge bumper for Ginger, Laura, and Mac. I can't wait to find out who gets their invitation!!!

Watch the book trailer here! This puts the summary of the story from the back of the book and rather than reading a boring old book cover there is an animated one here!

Susan McBride who is the author of The Debs, has written many other novels that I am looking forward to reading, especially the sequel to The Debs, called The Debs-Love lies and Texas Dips
The sequel to The Debs
Susan McBride

 Click here to see other people's reviews!  I think that these are good reviews because they are from other readers just like me. It also shows people's ratings of this book!
Another good review is here. It gives a good opinion of the way the author wrote the novel!

My personal opinion is that the book was written toward a younger audience. It most definitely relates to a teenagers normal experience in high school, minus the debutante aspect of the story. I liked this story because one day I would like to be a debutante myself and now that I read this book I know what to look out for..."the Bimbo Cartel!"I look forward to reading The Debs: Loves, Lies, and Texas Dips!

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